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13 Types of Empaths

Updated: Jun 26, 2022

Types of Empaths

  • Emotional Empath

An emotional empath can sense the emotions of others without the person having to explain what they are feeling. This is one of the most common types of empaths. They tend to become exhausted easily when around overly emotional people or energy vampires.

  • Physical Empath

A physical empath can feel another person’s pain or symptoms and absorb them in their own bodies. They may pick up physical symptoms from strangers they are seated near or from people with whom they have a strong energetic connection with even when they are not present. They may have unexplained or unusual symptoms that they have picked up from others around them. Physical empaths can also be energized when around someone who is feeling great.

  • Medical Empath

Medical empaths are another type of physical empath who use their gifts to diagnose and heal other people’s health problems by sensing their energy. They may work in person with others or do distance energy healing. Carolyn Myss is an example of a medical empath.

  • Intuitive or Claircognizant Empath

Intuitive and claircognizant empaths know things without any solid evidence or rationale. They can sense things and feel the vibration or energy of people, situations, places, and events. They know what needs to be done or whether or not they should do something.

  • Plant or Flora Empath

A plant or flora empath can sense energy from plants and trees and can sense what the plant needs to stay healthy. They can communicate with plants and are frequently called “a green thumb.

Plant empath

  • Animal or Fauna Empath

Animal or fauna empaths can feel and sense the energy of animals. They can communicate with animals. The Horse Whisperer is an example of an animal empath. An animal empath is the person at a party that is hanging out with the dog or cat. Many animal empaths prefer the company of animals to people. They also cannot handle watching or hearing about abuse and neglect towards animals and may be vegan or vegetarian.

  • Telepathic Empath

These types of empaths can read another person’s thoughts and feelings without having them vocalized. They have the ability to know what other people are thinking.

  • Dream Empath

The dream empath is similar to the intuitive empath, except they sense and receive intuitive information from dreams. They typically have an exceptional ability to remember their dreams and wisdom from them. The dream empath may have prophetic dreams that foretell of events that have not yet occurred. ”

  • Earth or Geomantic Empath

This type of empath can sense and read energy from the soil of the earth. They feel centered and grounded while in nature. Earth empaths can detect when natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes are going to occur by sensing changes in the earth’s energy.

  • Psychic or Precognitive Empath

The psychic or precognitive empath can feel or see an event occurring even before it happens. This can be seen through dreams or by emotional and physical reactions to the energy before the event.

  • Medium Empath

This type of empath can see, hear and communicate with different spirits or guides. The medium empath can communicate with people who have passed on and are no longer with us. Medium empaths may have an intuitive understanding of the afterlife.

  • Psychometric

The psychometric empath’s strength is the ability to perceive information from the energy of objects, photographs, and locations. For example, if a psychometric empath holds a piece of jewelry that belonged to your grandmother, he or she would be able to sense things about your grandmother, the significance of the jewelry, and occasions when the jewelry was worn without any prior knowledge.

mirror image, Heyoka empath

  • Heyoka Empath

The Heyoka empath is the most powerful type of empath. They are known in Native American cultures as the “Sacred Clown.” They tend to be unconventional in their thoughts and behavior and act as an emotional mirror for people around them. Additionally, they tend to use humor to connect with others.

As you can see there are many different types of empaths. Many empaths have traits of more than one type. I am an emotional, intuitive, and occasionally physical empath. What type are you? Please comment below.

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